A game of small stature, but great scope!
Gnomes started as a fun little idea that I had one Christmas while sat around talking about movies with my wife. The borrowers came up and I mentioned that I had always wanted to do a 1 to 1 scale skirmish game that could be played on any surface, with enough imagination. I had already penned out an idea years before, but by the time I came to make it someone had already beaten me to the mark, and I got disheartened and shelved the idea. However, when talking to my wife I became enthusiastic about the idea again and started to think about how I would go about it. Creatures at the end of the garden had been done, as had Lilliputians and other small humanoids. Being Christmas my inspiration quickly turned to elves… but they didn’t get my imagination going quite as much (and I had done Elves many years before in a stop motion animation called “Junk”). Then it hit me, well… Gnomes are a bit grittier, aren’t they!?. That was it, I was hooked.
” I imagine different colonies vying for resources in different areas of the world we live in. In the walls of your house, under the sofa, in the back of the cupboard”
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News and updates:
Gnome singles released
To expand on the recent Gnomes game release we are releasing the Gnomes from the core set as single miniatures that include 1x miniature and their character card that is…
Gnomes: Launch day
Hi all, welcome to the first post on the newly active Gnomes pages here at Gydran Studio. It’s been a long while coming, but it’s finally here, LAUNCH DAY!!! Over…
Miniature and game releases:
Gnomish events:
No events found.
Have any questions about the game, some rule verification or about the world Gnomes is set in? We will be collating the most frequently asked questions into a list below. You can also head over to our Facebook group “Gnomes – Skirmish Game” to join in the conversation, join our Patreon or our Discord too.
Q&A coming soon